Midlands Health Resources

Collating knowledge of the Midlands Medical and Life Science sector

This page brings together and showcase the knowledge, understanding and expertise that exists in the region. Our aim is to:

   ■  Increase knowledge sharing and raise awareness of strengths/challenges
   ■  Create a clear and easy to use place to find information/reports about the Midlands
   ■  Highlight the fantastic Midlands analytics capabilities 

Below are a list of resources from MI Health, our partners and other regional networks that may be useful when gathering information about Midlands expertise:

Showcasing Strengths across the region

The reports below provide more details on the internationally recognised clusters of expertise in the Midlands:

  • Medical Technologies and Advanced Imaging techniques such as Ultra-High Field MRI 
  • Health inequalities and diversity research, supported by leading Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement
  • AI, data analytics and infrastructure working within our NHS Trusts
  • Rehabilitation (including Prehabilitation) and Ageing research
  • Remote, adaptive and inclusive Clinical Trials

Health Innovation East Midlands Impact Report 2023-2024This report highlights the innovation and improvement projects that Health Innovation East Midlands has delivered during the year, working with partners from health and care systems, commercial innovators, research and academia to charities and local communities, to name but a few.

Working across a range of projects (improving health outcomes from wound care to ADHD diagnosis), HIEM has delivered £51.4M in value to the health, care and technology sector, achieved against funding
of £4.99M.

To read the report, click the image.

Health Innovation Network West Midlands - Impact report 2023-2024 This report provides an impact review of the excellent work being performed by HINWM (including case studies of evidence-based innovations taking place in the West Midlands), information on the population HINWM serves and introduces their new pipeline model, which takes programmes through a series of gateways:
   ■  Discover – scoping the system, ‘ideation’
   ■  Develop – 1. Project design, ‘solutioning’, 2. Proof of value
   ■  Deploy – roll out at scale, ‘delivery’
137 programmes are already going through the pipeline.

To read the report, click the image.


Health Innovation East Midlands logo

This page highlights innovations programmes that have taken place in the East Midlands (and wider), as well as reflecting the dynamic environment in which we operate.

To read highlights of these programmes, click the image.

Data Driven Healthcare Innovation Report The report focuses on the growing ‘Data-driven healthcare innovation’ Midlands cluster, which utilises population data to develop patient-centred solutions with applications in diagnostics, devices and digital applications. It showcases key statistics for the sector, including the following cluster summary:

   ■  Over 5,500 jobs; 9% of UK jobs.
   ■  8% of Midlands university graduates studied in 2021 relevant subjects to data driven healthcare, including from 4 of the top 25 UK universities for Life Sciences and Medicine.
   ■  Over 200 businesses; 14% of UK total and 62% growth in business numbers since 2013.
   ■  17 high growth companies (11% of UK) and eight £100m+ turnover companies (14% of UK total).
   ■  11% of Innovate UK funding to data driven healthcare since 2005 have been awarded to businesses with a Midlands address.
   ■  3% of UK data driven healthcare-relevant Foreign Direct Investment Capex and 15% of UK data driven healthcare relevant Domestic Direct Investment Capex 2017-2021.

To read the report, click the image.

Midlands Engine Health and Life Sciences report The report highlights the Health and Life Sciences Midlands Super Cluster, a sector that contributes £20.5 billion to the regional GVA every year. The sector operates as an integrated, networked cluster of firms, businesses and healthcare providers across the region – with notable concentrations e.g. the East Midlands Medical Technologies Cluster and Data Driven Healthcare Innovation in Birmingham. 

The report showcases key statistics for the sector, including the following cluster summary:

   ■  Over 18,000 jobs; 7% of UK total.
   ■  8% of Midlands university graduates studied relevant subjects to health and life sciences, including from 4 of top 25 UK universities for Life Sciences and Medicine.
   ■  Almost 1,300 businesses; 17% of UK total and 93% growth since 2013.
   ■  78 high growth companies (12% of UK) and 17 £100m+ turnover companies (23% of UK).
   ■  Over 10% of Innovate UK funding to health & life sciences businesses has been awarded to the Midlands since 2005.
   ■  3% of UK health and life sciences Foreign Direct Investment Capex and 15% of UK health and life sciences Domestic Direct Investment Capex 2017-2021.

To read the report, click the image.

EXPLORING THE INVESTMENT POTENTIAL OF MIDLANDS CLUSTERS This report has been produced by the Midlands Engine Partnership to launch a new programme of analysis, engagement and policy development focused on supporting our regional partners, businesses, and the UK Government to better understand and develop clusters across the Midlands.

To read the report, click the image.

Medical Technologies Report Back when we were still called Midlands Health Innovation, we commissioned this report on:

■  The nature and scale of the medical technologies (MedTech) sector in the Midlands

■  The sector’s contribution to the regional economy

■  What MedTech businesses in the Midlands need to achieve growth and increased productivity

■  The barriers they face in achieving this.

This work was supported by the Midlands Engine through the Strategic Programme Development Fund.

To read the report, click the image.

Highlighting and addressing Challenges

In the Midlands, despite the best efforts of many (both professionals and volunteers) from across the health and care sector, our communities have a long history of facing complex challenges that directly and indirectly impact their health – many of which still persist today. While the region is by no means alone in facing health and care difficulties, with different communities across the UK struggling to live full, prosperous, and healthy lives, the Midlands does face its own distinct set of health concerns and should not be forgotten when tackling inequalities nationally or locally. The reports below outline some of these challenges:

Report on WM air quality

This report highlights that every area of the West Midlands exceeds WHO guidelines on clean air despite the £3.2bn economic benefit in reduced health burden that meeting targets would have. The study conducted by researchers at the University of Birmingham in collaboration with local authority partners looked at the health economic burden of air pollution on residents in the West Midlands Combined Authority geographical area.


Read the press release HERE or click the image to read the paper.

This page contains City, County and East Midlands Health Innovation East Midlands logo region-wide summaries that provide a snapshot of health inequalities and can help to inform the design and delivery of transformational innovations and interventions.

This includes statistics such as: 

   ■  Of the 654,600 people of working age (16-64) in the East Midlands who are economically inactive, 26.0% are due to long term sickness (ONS, 2021/22)11

This page also includes a link to the HEIN  Equality Analysis template. a useful tool to help projects to consider equity and inclusion.

To read the reports, click the image.

Diabetes is one of this country’s greatest health challenges, affecting one in every 14 people. The Midlands’ world-leading universities and academic institutions, research and innovation infrastructure, NHS services and public bodies are home to a wide variety of expert partners who share an ambition to prioritise addressing the significant impact diabetes has on people’s lives.


The Diabetes Blueprint highlights the fantastic work that is happening in the Midlands to address the challenge diabetes presents to the region. This includes the work of the Midlands Health Alliance and the establishment of new regional clinical research networks for type 1 and type 2 diabetes to help share best practice across the Midlands. 


To read the report, click the image.

Additional Resources

Below we have included further resources that have been produced by regional partners that can support research and innovation activity:

This is an online platform for innovators, health & research professional – free on-demand short courses guide participants through the innovation pathway to gain an understanding of how the NHS takes forward new innovative products to improve patient care and outcomes. Find out more HERE

A practical guide based on learning from the national Focus ADHD innovation programme, which was led by Health Innovation East Midlands. Find out more HERE


 Interested in featuring your report on this page? Get in touch