Midlands Medical Imaging Network

Midlands Medical Imaging Network (MMIN)

Website: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/centre-for-human-brain-health/mmin/mmin.aspx

Midlands Medical Imaging Network (MMIN)
A collaborative initiative championed by Midlands Innovation

MMIN itself is part of Midlands Innovation, a wider collaboration between eight research universities in the Midlands, which aims to drive cutting-edge research, innovation and skills development that will grow the high-tech, high-skilled economy of the Midlands and the UK.

MMIN Committee:
The MMIN Committee meets several times a year, and the details of those involved are as follows:

   Aston University: Dr Caroline Witton
   University of Birmingham: Dr Andrew Bagshaw (Chair)
   University of Birmingham: Birmingham Children’s Hospital: Professor Andrew Peet 
   University of Birmingham: Professor Ole Jensen
   Keele University: Professor Peter Ogrodnik
   University of Leicester: Professor Gerry McCann (Cardiovascular Lead)
   University of Leicester: Dr Emma Chung
   Loughborough University: Dr Sarah Bugby
   University of Lincoln: Professor Luc Bidaut
   University of Nottingham: Professor Richard Bowtell
   University of Nottingham: Professor Dorothee Auer
   Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham: Dr Nigel Davies 
   University of Warwick: Professor Theo Arvanitis
   University of Warwick: Dr Joanna Collingwood 
   University of Warwick and University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire: Professor Charles Hutchinson

MMIN Events

Events are held on an annual basis and take place at one of the MMIN institutions. These are open to anyone who has an interest in medical imaging and those who wish to learn more about the inter-disciplinary approach that MMIN and Midlands Innovation advocate.  Previous events have included thematic talks, poster presentations and networking. Keep an eye on this page for announcements on upcoming events!



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