Midlands Sleep Group

Midlands Sleep Group (MSG)

The Midlands Sleep Group (MSG) is a group of clinicians, academics and practitioners, who have a broad interest in sleep and sleep research. The MSG was established in 2017. The MSG is inclusive of any academic/clinical staff who have an interest in promoting and conducting sleep research and/or clinical sleep services in the Midlands area. Our remit is to set up interest groups in a wide range of sleep areas and to bring them all together under the main sleep group to encourage cross-disciplinary research, help study recruitment and to broaden our minds to more collaborative and multidisciplinary approaches to understanding sleep.

To achieve this, the MSG promotes:
(1) Sleep-related research collaborations between Midlands NHS Hospitals, Universities, Primary Care and related healthcare service facilities;
(2) Interest in cross-disciplinary work on sleep behaviour, sleep disorders and understanding of sleep both biologically and medically;
(3) Supporting the preparation of grant and funding applications in the field of sleep-related research;
(4) Acting as a focus for educating the public, media, health professionals and academics about the importance of sleep research and sleep services;
(5) Public engagement in the field of sleep, including sleep-related research.

Currently we are 31 MSG members, including core and affiliated members, from different academic and clinical settings in the Midlands area including University of Birmingham, University of Warwick, Aston University, Loughborough University, Nottingham Trent University, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, or University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.

The MSG Co-Chairs are Prof Brendan Cooper and Dr Isabel Morales-Muñoz.



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